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St. Philip's Episcopal Church

205 E. Moore Street, Southport, NC, 28461


P.O. Box 10476; Southport NC  28461



Upon entering the church Narthex (lobby) you will be greeted by an usher, given a bulletin (which contains all the readings and the service) and welcomed to our church. The usher will help you find a seat, or you can choose your own.



At St. Philip’s we worship in accordance with the Book of Common Prayer located in the pew rack in front of you.

Our worship at 8:00 AM retains the beauty and dignity of the liturgical style and Elizabethan English found in earlier versions of the Prayer Book. This service is held in the Church and is ideal for those who enjoy quiet early worship without music.

Our worship at 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist uses more contemporary English. This service features hymns and special music led by the St. Philip’s Church Choir. Hymn numbers are listed in your weekly bulletin typically using the blue Hymnal.

Our Celtic Service at 5:00 PM offers a unique blend of meditative silence and calm worship that creates the opportunity to simply be present and to rest in God's presence. This service regularly includes a short reflection from a returning member of the service.

Readings and announcements can be found in your weekly bulletin. If you have any questions regarding the order of the service, please don’t hesitate to ask those around you.



In the Episcopal Church we believe in the presence of Christ in the sacrament of the Eucharist. We invite all baptized Christians to receive communion. Holy Communion will  be served in front of the altar. After you receive the bread you may choose one of three options regarding the wine.

1. DRINK: Immediately consume your bread and step to the chalice bearer farthest from the priest serving the bread. This is the common cup designated for you to take a drink from. Dipping the bread into this cup is NOT permitted.

2. INTINCT: Holding your bread, go to the first chalice bearer who is holding a small glass cup. This cup is designated for intinction (dipping) only. As you stand in front of the chalice bearer, they will offer the words of administration and you my dip your bread into the shallow cup. Please note there is only a small quantity of wine in this chalice to ensure fingers do not touch the wine.

3. NO WINE: Immediately consume your bread and carefully walk past both chalices if you desire to not take part in the wine. Please know that receiving communion in one species only is still considered a full and valid communion.



We invite you to fill out a "Visitor Card" located in the pew back in front of you. This will allow us to contact you via email and invite you to get more information about our wonderful church.



Please join us in the Parish Hall following the service for refreshments and fellowship. This is an excellent time to meet the clergy, other parishioners, and ask questions, and tour the church. 


Please feel at home here at St Philip’s! Restrooms are located in the entry area hallway at the north end of the building (to your left as you face the altar). You can also find water fountains near the restrooms. Our church family is a member of the Diocese of East Carolina of the Episcopal Church in the United States, and a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion. We are part of the one, holy catholic and apostolic church that has been carrying on the mission of Jesus Christ for two millennia.

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